- Our product will be shipped within 5-7 business days.
- Diameter: 75 cm
- Height: 35 cm (The height measurement is provided without the pipe. Different lengths can be achieved with pipe options.)
- Different lengths can be achieved with pipe options.
- Our product has 3 side leaves and 1 bottom leaf, with a total of 3+1 E27 bulb sockets. LED bulbs can be used. Bulbs are not included with the product. Halogen bulbs may damage the product.
- Our product is handmade from natural hazeran material on a static painted wire.
- Three measurements are used in our product. Hazeran Leaves consist of 10 pieces in total, with 9+1 arrangement.
- 1st measurement: Leaf Diameter 30 cm, Drop-shaped Leaf
- 2nd measurement: Leaf Diameter 26 cm, Drop-shaped Leaf
- 3rd measurement: Leaf Diameter 22 cm, Drop-shaped Leaf